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12 Tips for Planning a Safe In-Person Event in 2022

By Richard Morales

Planning events in a pandemic is a challenging prospect and the new year will likely bring a new set of adaptations. With constantly changing rules for evolving variants, the events industry has been forced to take a hard look at best practices and strategies for hosting safe in-person events, that keep both attendees and employees safe. At this point the CDC guidelines for organizing large events remain the predominant source of advice for achieving this goal. The following is a list of the top 12 ways to make your event safe, based on the CDC guidelines for organizing small and large events in 2022.

1. Obey the Law: Be aware and follow all state and local guidelines to determine the requirements for hosting large and small events.

2. Set Rules for Attendance: Provide information to event staff and attendees ahead of time that lets them know when they should stay at home. This should include individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19, have COVID-19 symptoms or if they had close contact with a person who has tested positive.

3. Encourage social distancing: Remind attendees to social distance upon arrival and discourage physical greetings.

4. Re-think the Event Size and Venue: Consider the event size and adjust it to a fraction of the venue’s capacity, to allow attendees from different households to stay at least six feet apart during an event.

5. Wear Masks (Recommended): Make it a requirement that all staff and attendees wear masks at the event. Organizers should also have masks on hand if staff and attendees do not bring heir own.

6. Make Sanitization a Priority: Remind staff and attendees to wash their hands or sanitize frequently during the event.

7. Maintain Adequate Supplies: Organizers should have adequate supplies of sanitizer and sanitizing material available and on-site for all staff and attendees as well as no-touch trash cans.

8. Consider Music Levels: Keep music levels low so attendees will not have to shout to speak to each other.

9. Control The Restrooms: Limit the amount of people that visit the restrooms together.

10. Limit Congregating: Use multiple entrances and exits to avoid attendees from congregating when entering or leaving the event.

11. Use Signs and Markers: Use highly visible signs and make announcements frequently, reminding attendees for follow safety protocols.

12. Clean Often: Clean and disinfect frequently touched items like microphones. These should be disinfected after each use.

Boom Audio Services is committed to helping clients organize and present safe in-person events that follow CDC guidelines for as long as the Covid-19 threat exists. We are a full-service Audio Visual and Concert production company providing audio services, event lighting, staging, LED Screens, truss and tent rentals for our growing list of clients. Please contact us for a free price quote at


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